A circular saw is thought to be one of the toughest tools to work with. Its known as a complicated member of its family. Working with it requires a lot care and attention to avoid its malfunctioning. However, besides proper care it may stop functioning due to a number of reasons.
The circular saw stops in the middle of work when the blades of the saw are dull or damaged and are not functioning correctly. Moreover, it can also stop working when the motor of saw is not working properly. However, there could be some other reasons like cable issues, voltage issues etc. It can also occur due to the malfunctioning of other parts of saw.
The circular saw is one of the household tools whose merits are focused mostly after its failure. Most people do not know about the proper usage of saw. This more likely cause the factors that stop the saw.
Facing circular saw kickback? Read our guide: Why Does My Circular Saw Keep Kicking Back?
What are the factors behind stopping of circular saw?
A handful number of issues may arise because of which your circular saw may stop working. The factors are more likely due to longer use of the circular saw. So, to enhance the life of your saw you have to understand the factors behind its stoppage:
1. Rough Circular Saw Blades
Among all the issues, the most common one is the issue of blades. Edgeless or rough blades don’t allow the saw to work efficiently. Also, working with the dull blades is quite challenging and hard. Unsharpened blades often get stucked while cutting. So, your saw can stop working even though the other parts are in good condition.
2. Loose Clutch Or Bolts
Besides the sharpness of blades there are many reasons behind the malfunctioning of blades. Blades may stop due to loose clutch (an odd looking washer where the bolt holds the blades into the saw arbor). So, if your motor is going properly and blades keep stopping then you need to replace the clutch or tighten it up.
3. Pinching of Blades
If you are trying to cut a work piece supported from both ends then you’re most likely pinching the blade. This may cause your saw to stop moving and adhere to the work piece. The blade stopping is a safety measure. The other alternative is the saw kicking back towards your direction.
4. Overheated Circular Saw
Overheating of saw blades also cause them to stop. Fiercely using unsharpened blades for cutting require more pressure which cause more friction effects. These effects results in overheating of blades. Due to overheating the thermal switch stops the blade as a safety operation. So, while using the saw make sure that you are not using it abruptly and fiercely for cutting.
5. Improper Work Piece
Using an improper work piece can be a factor behind stoppage of saw. If you use a work piece with greater thickness than the actual depth capacity of saw it may get stucked. Moreover, you also have to check the work piece to know if there are any knots in it. The knots in the wood may cause the blades to stop and get pinched. More likely you have to check that your work piece is lying correctly on the support.
6. Motor Issues
The second most common issue that impedes the saw in the middle of usage is motor issue. The motor issue might be due to improperly working blades, motor brass of saw, and motor arbor etc.
7. High Voltage
In some cases, the electric source passes extremely high voltage which is potentially damaging. Eventually, high voltage destroys the insulation of power code due to which saw does not get enough current for working.
How to Check Your Saw? [Troubleshooting Circular Saw Problems]
Mostly, it is not easy to find the cause of malfunctioning. So, to fix the problems we have to examine the device thoroughly. In order to find out the issue which is stopping the circular saw. Following are the steps you should follow for troubleshooting:
- Check for the probable process which is blocked.
- Find out if the air cleaner inside the saw is jammed or not.
- Check out the electric cable. In most of the cases the electric cable get damaged and electricity through the saw stops.
- Make sure that the reset button on the saw is not snapped or banged.
- More often the saw stalls and stops working due to overheating of the blades. So, check out if the blades are overheated. Try to restart the device again.
- Check out if the saw blade get stucked in its place.
- Make sure that the current passing through the power code is normal.
- If you see grease oil on the surface of motor then look out if there is any problem with the motor brushes. There may be a problem with the capacitor of the motor.
- If your saw has any grounded plug then check that its in one piece or not.
Here’s you are over with the troubleshooting.
How To Fix Your Circular Saw
Here’s is how to fix the issues that keep stopping the circular saw:
1. Changing The Blade
Change the blade of your circular saw with a good quality blade. Some people don’t change the blades of saw for a longer time just because they use good quality blades with sharp edges or corners.
My recommendation for best circular saw blade: DEWALT 7-1/4-Inch 60-Tooth Circular Saw Blade
2. Tightening the bolts
If you see that the clutch of your blades is loose then tighten it up with a blade wrench . The loose blades become unable to perform their function properly due to loose bolts of clutch. If bolts fail to hold the blades into the saw arbor then the blades will not work correctly.
3. Blade Size
Use saw blade of right size. If you think that your saw needs a specific inches blade then use the same size. Do not get over smart by putting in a blade with greater size. Because it stops the blades from working correctly and can prove dangerous afterwards.
4. Malfunctioning Motor Brass
Occasionally, the villain behind an improperly functioning motor is a motor brass. If your saw is old enough and making noises like whistling or clicking then its motor brass is more likely to be changed quickly. Try to replace it with a new one despite fixing it.
5. Grease Problem
If you notice that your saw motor often stops working out of nowhere then check out the grease. Old grease damages the motor from inside. When you put new grease in the motor it works efficiently at first. After some time it becomes solid. This solidified grease proves to be scraps for motor and it starts operating imperfectly. So, you must have to develop a habit of changing the grease on regular basis.
6. Motor Arbor Issue
If your saw’s motor stops immediately then check the motor arbors. The worn out condition of arbor fails to hold the saw blades due to which it stops. So, try to replace the arbors to avoid this condition.
7. Rotor &Stator Failure
If you notice any smoke or burning smell then the rotor and stator of your motor are damaged. You need to replace it immediately because it might be dangerous afterwards.
8. Damaged Power Codes
If there are damaged power codes try to replace them rather than fixing. If the device is cracked or discolored excessively then replace it with a new one.
9. Carbon Brushes
Sometimes, saw motor also stops working when the carbon brushes in it worn out. The old carbon brushes due to worn out become unable to rotate the shaft properly and the saw stops.
10. Engine Oil Replacement
Try to replace the engine oil more regularly when you notice harsh sounds from the saw while whistling. This helps the blades to avoid friction.
11. Avoid Overheating
When the blades get overheated more often, turn off the switch until the motor comes to a cooler temperature. Then start cutting slowly on low temperature.
12. Electricity Source
Use a portable and reliable electricity source which provides normal voltage. So that your device does not stop due to electric sparks.
13. Cleaning
Always make sure that your workplace is clean and dust free. Also keep your saw blades clean after using it.