
How Can You Tell If Wood Is Real?

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Jacky C

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You can usually tell if wood is real by its color. If the wood is a dark color, it is likely real. If the wood is a lighter color, it is probably fake.

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There are several ways you can tell if wood is real. One way is to look for the presence of grain. If you can see the grain, then it’s most likely real wood. Another way is to look for a natural color. If the wood is dyed or painted, it’s probably not real. Finally, you can try to Burn the wood with a lighter. If it’s real wood, it will burn; if it’s fake, it won’t.

The Five Tests

Wood is a versatile material that can be used for a variety of purposes, from floors and furniture to buildings and bridges. As a result, it’s important to be able to distinguish between real wood and fake wood. Here are five tests you can use to determine if wood is real.

The Burn Test

The first test you can use to determine if wood is real or fake is the burn test. To do this, you will need a lighter. First, find an inconspicuous spot on the wood and light the lighter. Then, touch the flame to the wood. If the wood is real, it should ignite and start burning. Fake wood will not ignite, or it will ignite but then extinguish quickly.

The Scratch Test

The easiest way to find out if your wood is real or not is to do the scratch test. The best way to do this is to get a sharp knife and try to make a small cut in the wood. If the wood is real, then it will be very difficult to make a mark on it. If the wood is fake, then the knife will be able to make a mark on it very easily.

The Magnet Test

One of the most common ways to test if a piece of wood is real or fake is by using a magnet.

If the wood is attracted to the magnet, it is likely not real wood. This is because most real wood is not magnetic. There are, however, some types of real wood that are magnetic. These include magnolia, hard maple, and some types of mahogany. So, if you are testing a piece of wood and it is attracted to a magnet, it is not a definitive answer that the wood is fake.

To be sure, you should do other tests as well.

The Sound Test

One way to tell if wood is real is to do the sound test. Take your fingernail and lightly scratch the surface of the wood. If it sounds hollow, then it might not be real wood. Also, if it produces a small amount of sawdust, then it is probably real wood.

The Float Test

The float test is the simplest way to test if wood is real. All you need is a bowl of water and the wood sample. If the wood sample floats, it is definitely not real wood.

Real wood will sink in water, so if your piece of wood sinks, it is most likely real. There are some exceptions to this rule, such as balsa wood, which is very light and will float. However, balsa wood is not a common type of wood used in furniture or flooring, so if you’re not sure what type of wood you have, assume that any piece that floats is not real wood.


It can be tricky to tell if wood is real, but there are a few telltale signs. If the wood is has a uniform color and grain, it is likely real. If the wood is very lightweight or soft, it is also likely real. However, the best way to tell if wood is real is to consult with a qualified expert.

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